Two weekends ago, I had the honor to go with one of my housemates (Lebby) to a counselor’s house in a township. Sizile was quiet nice in opening her house to us, she even came into town (a 45 minute ride by a mini taxi bus) to fetch us. We spent the whole day helping her with errands and then took the mini taxi bus out to her house. While at her house she entertained us and taught us how to make traditional Zulu bread, which tastes wonderful!! While at her house we got to play with her son, who was 1 ½ years old. At first her son wasn’t quiet sure of me, he didn’t even want to touch me. But, by the end of the time he let me hold and play airplane with him. It was such a treat.
Sunday, I was able to hang out with Siyanda and the Light Provider crew after church. We went downtown and grabbed lunch at a shop. We then hung out in a park for the afternoon. Enjoying each other’s company.
Sunday evening, I was able to go to Sizwe’s house (who is the leader of the church I attend Sunday mornings). Sizwe and his family were very generous in providing dinner and great fellowship. Sizwe showed me video of how traditional Zulu churches worshipped and why he did church differently then other churches. We talked about family and issues facing many people in the townships around Durban. He asked me about healthy diets for families and asked me to come to couples meetings to teach about healthy cooking and eating habits.
On Thursday of this past week, I was able to go to my supervisor, Claire’s house with my housemate Lebby (who is an intern here from Union college) for a braai. It was a wonderful break from the city, to go out into the Valley of a Thousand Hills (which is one of the most beautiful places one could ever see). The picture to the right doesn't do the scenery justice. We had a wonderful time talking about the hospital and life before South Africa. We were joined by Oliva (who previously held Claire’s position at McCord) and her husband, as well as Mark’s (Claire’s husband) best friend grow
ing up Chris and his wife. I was able to convince Mark to take me to go snake hunting with him and his friend Chris (who collects snakes). Hopefully soon, I will be able to get together with him to find some snakes.
Thursday night, I was able to stay at Makaphutu. Which is where I stayed for the two weeks that I came with LSA on my first trip here. It was such a blessing to be able to spend time with Nic (the director of Makaphutu) and hear how life was going at the children’s village. (Below are pictures of the view from Makaphutu, its what I woke-up too Friday morning)

The next morning we (Lebby and I) rose early to go to the Hillcrest AIDS Center. Which was one of the many highlights of the past few weeks. Hillcrest AIDS Center is only 21 years old, yet the impact that the organization is having on the community is monumental. As an organization Hillcrest AIDS Center wants to impact the HIV/AIDS pandemic by unconditionally loving those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. The organization loves people through many programs: HIV counseling and testing, feeding scheme, clothing scheme, Othandweni Respite unit (hospice), clinic and nursing services, HIV/AIDS awareness and education, craft revenue, support of grandmothers in the community, and plant nursery and gardening scheme. The Hillcrest AIDS Center is holistic and practical in the way that they are impacting HIV/AIDS in the community around them. In my opinion, Hillcrest AIDS Center is one of the best examples of how local people in an area of need can impact the lives of those around them.

Again, sorry it has been such a long time since I have updated my blog. I promise I will be update more regularly. Thank you to everyone who actually reads this. I hope you are enjoy hearing of my experiences and thoughts.
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