Within the past few weeks I have a had some very good and enlightening conversations with people who are either a direct partner of Loving South Africa (LSA) or have had significant contact with the LSA partners. I wanted to share some of the conversations at that I have had with people.
The first conversation had about LSA was with Siyanda. Siyanda is the director of Light Providers. Which is an organization that is having a huge impact on youth and young adults in KWZ area. Light Providers is an organization that is breathing new life into youth by serving God and impacting the community in which they live. Siyanda just recently had the opportunity to come to the States to see what LSA does State side to impact the HIV pandemic that at its height in the KwaZulu-Natal area. As Siyanda was retelling joyful tales of his time with the LSA staff in Indianapolis, he got very serious. He began to speak of how hard the LSA staff works to ensure that their partners get as many resources to impact the HIV pandemic. He talked about the sacrifice of the staff to leave jobs that paid extremely well to work for a minor portion of what they would normally earn. He spoke of the motivation that it gave him to come back to Light Providers and work even harder to impact the lives of the youth around him. He talked of how much of a blessing it was to have people supporting his organization that were interested in his spiritual health as well as financial security. The whole time he was smiling from ear to ear, speaking of wonderful things the LSA was doing to make sure the partners in South Africa are supported accurately. As Siyanda was talking, I was able remind him of the reason that LSA works hard. Its because of the people suffering from disease that is preventable and because when God speaks about serving the least these. Those suffering from HIV/AIDS are near to His heart. LSA is working so hard to get resources to their partners because they are being the hands and feet of God and impact the HIV pandemic in the world. Each on of LSA’s partners are the men and women of peace that is spoken of in the Bible.
This is not the first time I have heard this about the partners of LSA. This past week I had the privilege to meet with a staff member of a local church. His name was Gary. During our time we discussed LSA, among other things, but I was quite impressed by what Gary said about the CEO of the hospital that I am working at. He spoke very highly of Dr. Holst. Dr. Holst is a member of his church, and Gary’s wife when she moved from New Zealand to Durban stayed with Dr. Holst before they were married. He spoke of the amount of time the Dr. Holst puts into ensuring that the hospital is running well. One of the things that I was most impressed with was that he spoke of Dr. Holst’s spiritual life. He stated that she would get up extremely early in the morning and would spend time praying to God for guidance for the hospital. He stated that she said that early morning is when she can think the clearest without any distractions. It is not everyday that you hear of a CEO, getting up before dawn to just spend time listening to God to see how a hospital should be run.
In multiple other conversations I have with people just in passing, at the market, on the plane, at an internet cafĂ©. People continually speak highly of the care that McCord Hospital gives and the fact they are a mission hospital. I can’t help but think that LSA helps with that reputation, along with the many compassionate physicians, nurses, pastors, counselors, and many more that make up their multi disciplinary staff. LSA plays a vital role in making sure that patient that can’t afford their stays in the hospital or in treatment of antiretroviral (ARV) meds are covered so that they have a chance for a new life. Furthermore, they pay for a pastor to come in and assist with spiritual needs of patients. I had the opportunity to go to church with one of the physicians that works at McCord and as I meant people at church she explained to them the vital role that LSA plays in patients receiving care. She spoke of the peace of mind that the LSA funding provides for the workers at McCord, knowing that if a patient comes in and can’t afford care it can still be provided.
What a blessing to be a part of an organization that supports and provides vital resources to its partners allowing them to carry out the work the God has placed on their hearts. Furthermore, how great is it that LSA has been able to find people and organizations that are thirsting after God and serving a broken world. I am remind of a few things as I reflect on my conversations over the past weeks. The first is from a journal entry when I first came to visit South Africa in October and November. I remember thinking of all the partners I met and being struck by how apparent the fruits of Spirit are in them. At times, when we are so comfortable and busy with “life” we forget what the fruits can look like. As it says in Galatians 5: 22-25.
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.”
I saw every fruit apparent in the lives of the people partnering with LSA. What is even greater is seeing the fruits in the children, patients, young adults, and interns the organizations are pouring into. Like Jesus says in Matthew 7:20 “Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.” Jesus goes on to say that if as a follower of his teach you do not heed his teaching (from the Sermon on the Mount, which teaches how Christ followers should live their lives) you are foolish. How great is it to see Christ’s followers carrying that out, in an area where it would be very easy to say the need is just to great.
Secondly I am reminded of where and why I am here. I am also reminded of how blessed I am to have the opportunity to learn from people who are daily living out Christ in their lives. Taking seriously the words of Jesus to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
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